Gateway Church
2130 NW 26th Street, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33311 Office: (954) 485-7012
The History of Gateway Church
Gateway Church, Inc. (formerly known as New Testament Church of God, U.S.A. Inc.) began in the home of Reverend N.G. and Sister N.R. Hyatt at 3750 N.W. 4th Place, Fort Lauderdale, with their two sons, Dwayne and Noel, Jr. and a cousin Brother Aston Bright.
Rev. Dr. N.G. Hyatt & Family

Gateway Church Founders

Reverend Hyatt’s dream to establish a fellowship that would minister to a wide cross- section and primarily the growing Caribbean population was formally established in the spring of 1973 with seven members. The group then worshiped at the Primitive Baptist Church, 2841 N.W. 11th Street two to three weeks each month and with the Reverend and Sister Hanuer at the Lighthouse Assembly, Powerline Road up to two Sundays per month. The memories of this period are fondly cherished!!
Honoring Rev. Dr. N. R. Hyatt for 49 years
Sunday, August 14. 2022. Gateway Church is celebrating Rev. Dr. N.R. Hyatt tonight with an awesome praise and worship service here at Gateway Church! Please note that 100% of the donations will go towards the Rev Noel G Hyatt Scholarship fund.
In August 2007 the founder of Gateway Church went home to be with Our Lord. This August 2017, we will honor Rev. Dr. N.G. Hyatt with a ten year commemoration and celebration. We will remember the man, honor the dream, and celebrate the legacy he left for us as we build for the next generation.
10th Year Commemoration of the Founder of Gateway Church
On August 13, 2017, We celebrated...
Gateway Church History (continued):
The membership grew steadily, but underlying this was an element of discontent because of the inconveniences of not having a permanent place of worship. However, we were not discouraged for we knew in our spirit that God had ordained a permanent place for us.
In the summer of 1976, in a response to a message on the “Providence of God,” Rev. Joseph and Sister Lillian Baxter made a newly constructed sanctuary at 2130 N.W. 26th Street available to us. Rev. Baxter was commissioned by God to build a house of worship for God’s honor and glory and did so in obedience even though he did not know who would occupy it. Later, we were able to purchase this property.
The membership continued to grow and before long the new sanctuary was inadequate. But God is Faithful! As on other occasions, his providential hand was evident. When there was no more room for further expansions God provided the adjoining property soon after Reverend Hyatt and a visiting evangelist walked around it and claimed it by faith.
We were then able to embark on a major remodeling and construction of a multipurpose wing, Christian education and preschool facilities.
Along with several outreach ministries, Gateway Church has served the community as a pillar of hope and strength with Gateway Christian Academy providing another vital link. Established in 1993 as an outreach ministry, the school is open to students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin and offers structured programs for toddlers, preschool, kindergarten and elementary grades.
We provide excellent yet affordable Bible-based curriculum and programs designed to train and develop the whole child for excellence; spiritually, intellectually, physically, socially and emotionally for the honor and glory of God.
Today, Gateway Church is a strong non-denominational congregation. Our Vision: “A community of committed Christian believers, developing a multi-ethnic, multi-faceted model. Growing in faith and character and in turn reaching the lost with the life changing truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ; fulfilling God’s purpose in our community, country and the world.”
We believe that the traditional family is the foundation of society and must be preserved. We provide ministries to the whole person/whole family to empower them to live healthy, fulfilled, self-sufficient and productive lives:
Mighty Men of Valor Men’s Ministries
Missions thru Ministries
Couples’ Ministry
Children & Youth Ministries
Singles Ministry
High Impact Ladies Ministries
Seniors Ministry
Health and Wellness Ministry
Outreach Ministries:
Bible Institute
Campus Ministries
Community Education Ministries
Housing Assistance
Prison Ministry
Helping Hands Ministry (Food Pantry offering assistance to the needy)
Home-bound Ministry (Nursing Home and Independent Living Facilities)
Developing and Future Ministries and Human Service Programs designed to address critical issues:
Youths in At Risk environments
Full-time tutoring/mentoring
After school, week-end and summer sports camp
High Risk Families
Full-time family and relationship counseling and related services
Domestic Violence
Employability Skills
Self-Sufficiency Programs
Pregnancy Prevention and Crisis Pregnancy program
Homeless Program
Health Clinic targeting dental and vision
Construction of a State-of-the-art Christian School (Nursery-Grade 12)
Adopt-A-Family Living Facility (Seniors and Single Parents
Gateway Church seeks to be a Biblical ministry of excellence designed to encourage life transformation through evangelizing, edifying and equipping the whole person to serve the community and reach the world for Jesus Christ.